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The use of technology to facilitate learning has become an integral part of education at Frederick Irwin Anglican School. Using new technologies opens up schools and classrooms to the broader world around them, through our BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) programme.

This is a very appropriate pathway to preparing young people for the globalised world in which we live today and one in which new technologies play a most significant role.

With many students now owning mobile computing devices and using these devices for their school work whilst at home, the school acknowledges the need to allow students to use their own technology in a more seamless way at school.

Students from Years 5 to 12 bring their own devices to school for use in lessons.

There is no requirement for parents to purchase a laptop for their child if they already have a device which meets the minimum requirements for performance, functionality and battery life.

Please note: Parents do not need to purchase Microsoft Office as it can be downloaded for free when the students are assigned their school email account. It is highly recommended that all laptops have an antivirus software package installed and have a suitable carry case to protect the device at school. Parents are responsible for ensuring that the device is insured for use at school.

What Do I Need?
Where Can I Buy A Computer?
Configure Your Device
Frequently Asked Questions

What Do I Need?

Recommended BYOD Device Specifications

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) is an initiative implemented at Frederick Irwin Anglican School to allow students to embrace a personalised learning experience at school and home. The program allows students to bring their personal technology devices into the school to assist with achieving their learning aspirations.

Supported technologies include laptops running Microsoft Windows or Apply OSX operating systems. Other devices such as Apple iPads and android tablets may work; however, deficiencies in the functionality and usability of these devices make them unsuitable for use as the main device used in the classroom, and will therefore not be permitted. Note: Laptops running Windows 10/11 S Model will need to be switched out of S mode before they can be used at school.

The table below provides details on the minimum and recommended hardware specifications for devices intended to be part of our BYOD program. It is essential that your child's device meets these minimum specifications to ensure an acceptable level of performance while at school.

Considering that your child will likely use the device for various activities beyond school hours, it's important to factor in these non-school related functions. This ensures that the laptop can deliver an acceptable level of performance for both school and additional personal activities.

Examples of suitable devices for using the BYOD program

  • Windows Based Devices – Any Windows device running an Intel i3 or equivalent processor should work as a BYOD device. When considering using an older style laptop careful consideration should be given to the battery life, wireless networking and weight of the device, older larger laptops may successfully meet the minimum specifications for performance but fail the equally important criteria of extended battery life.
  • Apple Devices – MacBook Pro, MacBook Air are both suitable as BYO devices, however as mentioned previously iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch are unsuitable as primary devices to be used at school. Once again if considering an older MacBook please confirm that the device meets the minimum battery life requirement.

Examples of Devices NOT suitable for using on the BYOD program

  • iPad, iPhone, iPod and Smartphones – Due to the difficulties in navigating the user interface on devices with small screens or which are incapable of supporting the addition of a mouse, devices such as iPhones, iPods, iPads and Smartphones are not permitted as the primary device to be used at school.
  • Android and Chromebook Devices – The large array of android devices available on the market has meant that only limited testing has been performed against a small subset of possible devices. At this stage, we are recommending against selecting an android tablet as a primary device for students at school. As in the case of the Apple iPad the device may be configured and used as a secondary device whilst away from school.

Where Can I Buy A Computer?

All students enrolled in Years 5 to Year 12 will participate in the School’s BYOD computer program. This will require that each student bring a suitable laptop computer to school each day for use in the classroom.

Whilst many parents will want to purchase a new device for their child it is important to emphasise that it is not essential that the device brought to school be purchased specifically for this task and many modern devices will meet our minimum specifications. 

Parents wishing to invest in a new computer for their child can purchase from any reputable retail establishment. In making a decision on which device to select it is important that parents consider the total cost of ownership of the computer over its total expected lifespan, typically three years. Factors such as extended warranty, accidental damage repairs and insurance must be weighed up to ensure additional and unexpected costs are not incurred at a later date

Configure Your Device

The IT Support Team will configure new student devices during orientation, and will also visit all classrooms in years 5-7 during the first few weeks of term at the beginning of the year to configure your device. 

Please visit the IT Support Office, located within the Library at the Meadow Springs campus, to configure your device if you are in Year 8 or above, or your device was not configured during the initial class-based configuration sessions. 

The IT Support Team will also be available at the Halls Head campus to assist students.

Frequently Asked Questions

What devices are not suitable?

  • Windows RT – Any device running the Microsoft Windows RT operating system is unsuitable, as it will not operate under the BYOD network. Windows 10/11 S – Windows 10/11 in S mode limits the ability of students To install software which is not from the Microsoft App Store. This may restrict the functionality of the device whilst at school and is therefore not recommended. Devices running S mode can switch out of S Mode, which will make them suitable for use at school.
  • iPads/iPhones/Android tablets – Due to the difficulties in navigating the user interface on devices with small screens or which are incapable of supporting the addition of a mouse, devices such as iPhones, iPods, iPads, Smartphones and other tablets are not permitted as the primary device to be used at school. These devices may be configured and used as a secondary device whilst away from school.

Are MacBook’s acceptable?

MacBook Pro and MacBook Air are both suitable as BYO devices. If considering an older MacBook, please confirm that the device meets the minimum battery life requirement.

Do I need to purchase Microsoft Office?

All students at Frederick Irwin Anglican School have a Microsoft 365 Account, this account allows the student to download the latest version of Microsoft office on their own device.

Do I need to purchase Antivirus?

Each device on the BYOD scheme must have antivirus software installed. If you do not wish to purchase a commercial antivirus product, a free antivirus program will be available for download from the school download page when the device has been enrolled in the BYOD scheme.

Do I require any additional software?

The School recommends that Google Chrome be installed from free of charge. Additional software to allow students to access the school printers will be installed by the IT Support Team. No additional software is required.

Will the laptops be monitored at home?

When being used at school, these devices will be subject to the standard web filtering applied to all school computers. All internet traffic will be monitored and filtered based on the School policies. When used at home, the School does not monitor any internet access and therefore parents may be more comfortable applying a personal web filtering software package.


What happens if my child’s device is broken?

If a student's device becomes damaged during the course of the school term, a laptop will be made available on a short-term loan basis whilst the student's device is being repaired. There is a limited supply of laptops available, and it is imperative that student devices are repaired as soon as possible. Loan laptops must be returned by the end of term and are not available for loan during the school holidays.

Can the devices be charged at school?

Yes. Charging lockers are available in the Library and Year 6 and 7 blocks – 5 lockers in Year 6 and 7, 20 lockers in the Library. These lockers are designed for short-term use, and students must not leave their laptops in the lockers overnight or for extended periods of time. Lockers are intended to be used for top-up charging, students should ensure that their laptops are fully charged before arriving at school.

Is an external hard drive necessary?

Whilst an external hard drive is not required, it is certainly recommended for backup purposes. We encourage all computer users to back up their data, as data recovery from a failed hard drive is usually uneconomical, and sometimes impossible.

Is an optical (CD/DVD) drive required?

No. All software can be downloaded via the school network or the internet.

What can I do if I can’t afford a laptop?

Please contact the School’s Business Manager to discuss alternative arrangements.

Minimum Requirements

Requirement Minimum Recommended Note
Wireless 802.11n
Wireless 802.11ax
Wireless Frequency
Wireless 5GHz 802.11a
Wireless 5GHz 802.11a
Screen Resolution
1024 x 768 pixels
1280 x 1024 pixels
Screen Size
12” – 14″
Processor Speed
intel i3equivalent
> 4Gb
Disk Requirements
Operating System Dependent
>120 Gb Solid State Drive **
Supported OS: Listed are the supported OS settings for BYOD – these are the minimum, as the recommended is always likely to be the latest version.
10 (32- and 64-bit)
Minimum Supported OS:
10 (32- and 64-bit)
Minimum Supported OS:
10.13 (High Sierra)
Browser Support:
Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Microsoft Edge
The latest versions are the recommendation.
Input Method
Keyboard & Mouse
Keyboard and Mouse Touchscreen/keyboard and Mouse
Battery Life
5 hours
> 6 hours

(*) The BYOD program will operate exclusively over the School’s wireless network, there will be no access provided over the School’s wired network. The support for the 5GHz frequency band is essential to ensure optimal use of the School’s wireless bandwidth. Network adapters must support 802.11abgn and PEAP authentication. Care should be taken if purchasing a device to ensure that the 802.11a 5GHz frequency is supported.

(**) Solid State Drives add significant performance increases to computers and extend the battery life.

(***) Windows 10 S – Windows 10 in S mode limits the ability of students To Install Software Which Is Not From The Microsoft App Store. This May Restrict The Functionality Of The Device Whilst At School And Is Therefore Not Recommended. It Is Recommended That Users Switch Out Of S Mode.