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At Frederick Irwin Anglican School we pride ourselves on our high standards of Teaching and Learning and Pastoral Care. In 2022, we reviewed our vertical House system and pastoral care approach and sought feedback from students and staff in the Secondary School.

We want to ensure that as students move through the Secondary School they are well supported and we can deepen the support so that “happy and connected students learn well”. The feedback was clear, we received overwhelming support to move to a Head of Year model where the Head of Year would move with the students throughout their secondary school journey. This allows several key aspects:

  • A deepening connection with students from Year 7 – Year 12. The same Head of Year moves with the students and therefore, gets to know students better and ensures the year level has a family feel.
  • We know that each year level has different developmental needs and that they change as students progress through the school. Having a Head of Year means that while we can ensure students are provided with a Kindergarten to Year 10 Pastoral curriculum through Friendly Schools and Pathways in Years 11 and 12. This allows specific programs to be used with a particular year level, ensuring that pastoral care is specific to the needs of a group of students. Pathways is one period each week where students meet with their Head of Year, Careers and VET advisors for advice and education, including a guest speaker program aimed at developing good mental health and habits, building positive relationships and exposure to Universities and career opportunities.

We also know the importance of the House system and building House spirit and we are not losing that. House Coordinators will support and encourage House activities for all students in Year 7 to Year 12 fostering House spirit and ensuring that the students in the House are well connected. This allows pastoral care to be focused on ensuring that we build strong connections between Year Groups as well as throughout the School.

Alongside this, we have reviewed our awards and incentive system and have made some positive changes. We want to foster a sense of achievement and students striving to be the best they can be.

A Good Standing programme for all students in Year 7 to Year 12 has been introduced.

Good Standing is maintained by students displaying a positive attitude to school, high levels of effort in classes, and positive behaviour in and around the School, participating in school activities, and demonstrating the values of the School. Good standing allows students certain privileges such as attending camps, excursions, trips, school representation at Carnivals, and non-supervised study periods. If a student loses good standing, then they must earn it back through improved behaviour on an agreed plan, giving them great responsibility and independence to work towards improved outcomes.

We are also introducing Colours which is an acknowledgement of Academic Achievement, Service to the School or Community, House Involvement, Arts and Culture, Sport, and Sustainability recognising our students’ hard work in making a positive difference in the School and community.

In 2024 these awards will be available to students to achieve, including the Principal’s Honours. This recognises and values students’ hard work and contribution and lifts the profile of the type of graduates we are developing.

Mrs Karen Watts has been appointed to the newly created position of Deputy Head of Secondary; Pastoral Care and Service. She will oversee all aspects of Pastoral Care across the Secondary School, including the Heads of Year, House Coordinators, House Group Teachers, and Learning Enrichment. Her passion for Pastoral Care and service will ensure we have a significant focus on Pastoral Care, student leadership, and the House System across the Secondary School.

Head of Year Contact

Name Title Email
Mrs Matty Macnab
Head of Year 7
Ms Tracy Bertuola
Head of Year 8
Mr Dan Harrop
Head of Year 9
Mrs Marlise Vaughan
Head of Year 10
Mr Craig Winter
Head of Year 11
Mr Jacob Crock
Head of Year 12