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Find information below about the compulsory subjects at Frederick Irwin Anglican School for Year 11 and Year 12 students,

Compulsory Subjects for the Whole Year

Christian Studies
Physical Education

Christian Studies

Year 11 Course Description
Students explore the miracles of Jesus, and the different styles of language and literary form used in the Bible. We consider the Bible stories that relate to Jesus’ life after the Resurrection, and the impact of these events on the early Church.

We then turn to social and civil reformers from the Church through the ages. We look at the nature of the afterlife and belief, the nature of truth, human and natural evil. In World Religions we revisit Islam, and look at conflict within or between World Faiths.

Year 12 Course Description
Students explore the timelines in Bible stories, and the broader narrative themes across the Bible.

Elements of Bible geography and the impact of events in history are examined. Key doctrinal themes are unpacked and we look for connections with our lived experience.

Issues around marriage and social constructs are examined, and the traditions of other faiths are considered alongside Christian practice. As a final exercise, students are invited to ‘design their own religion’ to apply the concepts they have learned.


Year 11 and 12 Course Description
The final years of Secondary School can be very demanding for students due to an increased workload, demands from their leadership positions or extra-curricular activities, and plans for the future.

To assist students in managing stress, coping with these demands and preparing for life beyond school, one period per week is allocated for Year 11 and 12 students from each of the six Houses for ‘Pathways’. This period often provides valuable time for Heads of House to discuss pastoral, academic or House issues with their senior students and monitor the wellbeing of individual students.

Throughout the year, Pathways is occasionally used for ‘Keeping Safe’ lessons, where students learn
protective behaviours and essential skills for life after school. On other occasions, the whole Year Group may meet during Pathways for guest speakers, careers information, or discuss Year Group events.

Physical Education

Year 11 and 12 Course Description
Through continued participation in Physical Education throughout Years 11 and 12, students learn how to enhance their own and others health, safety and wellbeing and how to contribute to building healthy, safe and active communities through engagement in physical activity. It provides opportunities for students to develop skills, self-efficacy and dispositions to advocate for, and positively influence, their own and others’ health and wellbeing.

Physical Education teaches students how to be part of a healthy, active population and experience the personal and social benefits of living a healthy, active and fulfilling life post-secondary school. All students participate in Physical Education and are offered an experiential curriculum that is contemporary, relevant, challenging, enjoyable and physically active.

Students are empowered to make their own choices in determining the physical activity contexts they participate in throughout the year. As part of the programme students have the opportunity to participate in contexts within the broader community.