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What Is The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award?

The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award (or ‘The Duke of Ed’) is an exciting international youth development program.

Anyone between the ages of 14 and 24 can take part and the best bit is you choose your own activities and set your own goals. 

The Award is offered in over 130 countries, and includes Bronze, Silver, and Gold levels (each progressively more challenging). Each level consists of four core sections:

  • Physical Recreation (having fun, getting active, and improving overall health and wellbeing)
  • Skills (develop an existing talent or explore a new skill or interest)
  • Voluntary Service (making a difference in the community)
  • Adventurous Journey (developing confidence and self-reliance by conquering a challenge) 

Students completing the Gold Award must also complete a Residential Project.

What activities can I complete for each section?
How long do I need to do each activity for?
How do I get involved?
Who can I use as a supervisor?
How does the Duke of Ed calculate the hours I log?

What activities can I complete for each section?

How long do I need to do each activity for?

Duke of Ed Summary - click here 

Completing the Duke of Edinburgh's Award in Australia is beneficial because it helps young people develop valuable life skills like resilience, teamwork, problem-solving, communication, and initiative, which can significantly enhance their employability, further education prospects, and overall personal development, while also offering opportunities to try new activities, volunteer in the community, and push themselves outside their comfort zone; essentially demonstrating commitment and determination to potential employers and universities. Completion of the Duke of Ed is an impressive addition to any CV and it’s an accomplishment that is widely recognised by universities and employers.  

How do I get involved?

How do I register? ORB Participant Registration Guide

* At step 6, please choose Frederick Irwin as the Award Centre 

Complete the following two forms and return to Mr Harrop

  1. User Expression of Interest form
  2. SMART Goals worksheet for each activity

Who can I use as a supervisor?

All assessors must have a Working With Children, have completed the Volunteer Code of Conduct Form (below), must be over the age of 18 and can not be a close relative. Ideally, your supervisor will have skills/knowledge/training in the activity you are completing.

There are a number of teachers at Frederick Irwin who have nominated to be a supervisor and you can find them on the list below (coming soon). If there is a teacher that is not on the list who you would like to be a supervisor, you can approach them and request this.

1. List of Approved Assessors at Frederick Irwin (list coming soon)

2. Volunteer Code of Conduct 

How does the Duke of Ed calculate the hours I log?

For more information visit or contact Mr Daniel Harrop at

Watch the video here