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Parents and Guardians within our school community are encouraged to join our 'Friends Of' Groups, to help support our children across all year levels and to foster their relationship with the School.

Our staff are always searching for some helpers from within our school community, and would love to hear from you! Find out more about Friends of the Library, Friends of Performing Arts, Friends of Sport and our 'friendraising' group: Friends of FIAS.

Would you like to be a Friend Of FIAS?

Our Friends of FIAS committee focuses on helping to connect the School community, and be involved with events that foster friendships across our three campuses.

If you are interested in being involved, we are still looking for some additional members of this Committee!

To view the School policy that supports the Friends of FIAS click the link here.

Please send through your expression outlining why you would like to be a ‘Friend of FIAS’ to

Friends of the Library
Friends of Performing Arts
Friends of Sport

Friends of the Library

Would you like to be a Friend Of the Library?

FOL, or Friends of the Library, is a group of parents who support the Library Department at Frederick Irwin Anglican School.

FOL can assist the Library by helping with the covering and processing of books both old and new, the shelving of returned items, and the creation of Library displays for those feeling creative.

If you are interested in helping out and being a part of this group please contact Anne Johannesen, Head of Library, at

We appreciate any help at all and would love a few more volunteers.

Friends of Performing Arts

Would you like to be a Friend Of the Performing Arts?

FOPA, otherwise known as Friends of the Performing Arts, is a group of parents who support the Performing Arts Department at Frederick Irwin Anglican School.

FOPA assists the department by providing a supper service, as well as assisting with ushering and ticketing at many of the Performing Arts evenings/afternoons.  This can include Drama performances, Concert evenings, Chamber concerts and Performing Arts nights.

A couple of times a year there is a ‘busy bee’ for Drama where FOPA members sort out the costumes and props storeroom.  FOPA members also offer assistance at the Performing Arts Camp.

If you are interested in helping out and being a part of this group please email Mrs Harding, FOPA Co-ordinator, at

We appreciate any help at all and would love a few more volunteers to join the group!

Friends of Sport

Would you like to be a Friend Of Sport?

FOS, otherwise known as Friends of Sport, is a network of parents who support the Health and Physical Education Department at Frederick Irwin Anglican School.

FOS assists the Health and Physical Education Department by nominating as coaches for various sports (basketball, soccer, hockey, etc.), and assisting with wind-ups and carnivals across the year.

Coaching Accreditation

When parents nominate to be a coach for a student team, Frederick Irwin Anglican School is now proud to offer the opportunity for them to become accredited coaches.

FOS members offer assistance at our ‘big-three’ Carnivals through various role such as time-keeping, place-recording and marshalling:

  • Term 1: Swimming Carnivals (Years 4 – 6, Years 7 – 9 and Years 10 – 12)
  • Term 2: Cross Country Carnival (Years 4 – 6)
  • Term 3: Athletics Carnival (Kindergarten – Year 2, Years 3 – 6, Years 7 – 12)

If you are interested in helping out and being a part of this network please email Mr Kevin Watson, Head of Health and Physical Education, at

We appreciate any help at all and would love a few more volunteers to join the group!