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At Frederick Irwin Anglican School, we prioritise the wellbeing and mental and physical health of our students, staff and community members. Our school community is inclusive and diverse. Our pastoral system, teacher/student relationships, peer support and friendly, welcoming culture provide a caring and safe environment for our students. 

The Primary School engages with several well-being frameworks and evidenced based practices to ensure that our students receive a high level of pastoral support. The Be You framework is a national initiative that includes a number of evidenced based programs aimed at promoting social and emotional health and wellbeing for students. 

Through this framework we have been able to provide staff with key professional learning opportunities and implement our social emotional curriculum, Friendly Schools. This programme ensures that the key social emotional skills of self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills and social decision-making are taught to all students in the Primary School. 

Our pastoral approach includes a commitment to teaching the Keeping Safe Curriculum, a recognised child safety and respectful relationships curriculum providing age and developmentally appropriate activities for students. Frederick Irwin is also partnered with the Act Belong Commit initiative which promotes positive mental health by providing a simple approach everyone can adopt to become more mentally healthy. 

Underpinning all these frameworks and initiatives are our Christian ethos and Core Values. 

Our aim for our school is to provide a high quality, inclusive caring Anglican education which encourages students to fulfil their potential.