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Anglican schools are places where we like to think. This includes asking questions about the world, ourselves, others and God, as well as listening to others' questions and ideas. 

As an Anglican school, we come together in Chapel to meet with God and each other. In Chapel we say prayers, listen, sing and sometimes share Holy Communion. 

We seek to tell the story of Jesus while also ensuring the stories of others are always welcome, heard, explored and respected. As part of our aim to learn and follow the example of Jesus, everyone in the School community is encouraged to help and think about peple around them. 


The Chaplain and Assistant Chaplain are responsible for leading the spiritual life of the School. 

The roles include providing spiritual and pastoral support for members of the school community, involving students, staff and parents.

The Chaplain is available as a listening ear in the joys and tribulations of life, or for spiritual guidance and support when need arises within the community.

Our Chaplain and Assistant Chaplain provides care for past and present students at both the Frederick Irwin Anglican School Halls Head Campus and Meadow Springs Campus by supporting them during times of need providing a visible Christian presence in the Frederick Irwin Anglican School community.

If you want to know more, you can also visit the Anglican Diocese of Bunbury's website

"My role is to be a listening ear in the joys and tribulations of life, or for spiritual guidance and support when need arises within the community"

James Tabor

School Chaplain - Canon James Tabor 

Canon James Tabor was previously Rector of the Parish of Pinjarra-Waroona and served as Chaplain in the Royal Navy for many years. Reverend Tabor has a Bachelor’s Degree from the University of Western Australia and trained for ministry at Oxford University, where he was awarded an Honours degree in Theology and has a Master’s Degree in Law. He is married and has three adult children.

Reverend Tabor is passionate about education and the development of faith and spirituality in young people; as a means of building resilience, self-confidence and wholeness. He enjoys writing, yachting and reading.


Assistant Chaplain - Mrs Alicia Tearle

Mrs Alicia Tearle supports Canon Tabor in the delivery of Christian studies across the School. 

Alicia has been a staff member at Frederick Irwin Anglican School for over three years, and a member of the school community for over six years.

Alicia likes the idea of fostering relationships with students in order to build them up and help them recognise in themselves the potential they each have. She also loves the challenge of breaking apart a concept or skill and working out how she can present this to a student so that they can then understand it.