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Well done to all of our students across Kindergarten to Year 12 who participated in the Rose House Fundraiser on Wednesday 15 May; Anything But A School Backpack!

We saw mini trolleys, pet carriers, tote bags, tool bags, mini amps, eskies, suitcases and so many more types of carriers.

Congratulations to our year level winnersYear 7 Jake Clement (Rose)

  • Year 8 Kirkland Lowens (Rose)
  • Year 9 Addison Turner (Arnold)
  • Year 10 Cohen Grbavac (Jamieson)
  • Year 11 Matilda Padfield (Arnold)
  • Year 12 Ewen Graham (Rose) and Kelsey Weir (Ellis)

All gold coin funds raised will be donated to WA Wildlife. This year we raised $1152!

Mr Efrain Dayog, Rose House Coordinator, said: "Special recognition is also due to our Primary Liaison Prefect, Lylah Johnson, for her exceptional coordination of the event across our Primary Campuses."

"Allow me to also express my profound pride in the exemplary efforts of Rose House Council members. Their dedication and commitment to ensuring the success of this event are commendable."

Thank you to everyone who participated!