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Dear Parents and Carers

Can you believe we are already half way through Term 2 and what a fabulous term the students are having. So much is going on across our sub-schools and I congratulate the students and staff for their hard work thus far.

As you can read in the newsletter, we have so much to be thankful for as there are an abundance of projects to enhance and enrich our school. These items all align to our Strategic Plan for 2023-2026. Our five pillars are: Anglican Identity, Teaching and Learning Excellence through Pathways, Engaged Community Partnerships, Wellbeing and Inclusion, and Sustainable and Future-Proof Infrastructure. We have achieved so many things and we are only 1½ years into the four year plan.

  • Anglican Identity – we have employed an Assistant Chaplain to support and enhance the work of chaplaincy across the school. Mrs Alicia Tearle will commence later this term and we welcome her to this role. We have developed a service passport that is being finalised and will support all the community service and volunteering of our students. In Secondary we have developed a service passport that is being finalised and will assist in secondary students being able to track all their volunteering at school or in the community.  
  • Wellbeing and Inclusion – we have increased support across the school for students with additional needs, which includes providing extensive professional learning to Teachers and Education Assistants. To complement the pastoral care support in the primary schools we have developed a new role, Deputy Head of Secondary Pastoral Care and Service. This role works in conjunction with the Deputies in the Primary school, Chaplain and School Counsellor to support our Secondary students as they continue their educational journey. We have recently established a wellbeing hub in the Secondary School to provide a place for students needing support, extra learning support and access to the School Counsellor too. We have increased a range of programs across our school focusing on wellbeing. We use Friendly Schools as a wellbeing and pastoral program from Kindergarten to Year 10 and the Kindness Curriculum and Pathways in Years 11 and 12. We have a student representative council from Years 6-12 to provide a student voice which we are very excited about. I am beginning to work with the Prefects and the Student Council to review a number of policies that will provide a greater sense of wellbeing and belonging.

These are just some examples of the great work happening across the School. In future editions I will share some other wonderful progress that is happening across our school. 

I am so proud of our school and our students. I am so grateful for our outstanding staff that build such a special place. Thank you parents for your support in helping your children have a sense of pride and gratitude in our school.

God bless

Tracey Gray
