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It was a successful House Charity Event run by the Jamieson House Seniors on 1 May. 

The event successfully raised money in support of the mission and incentives of the Waalitj Foundation. While it was great to see the Jamieson Year 12s step up to showcase leadership and initiative, it was equally impressive to see House Assistants and Year 10 students showcasing Jamo Pride and helping out with the event. This makes me extremely proud of my House, as those who did not have obligations to the event, to put their hand up and do their part for their House reflects the core values of our school shining through.

Many thanks to Mrs Matty Macnab, Mr Phil Cousins, and Mr Werner Nagel for putting time out of the morning to arrive early and facilitate the event. Without the Home Economics Department in particular, this event would not happen. As a new House Coordinator, it is a new and developing system, it is great and humbling to see staff like this go above and beyond to ensure these events run smoothly for the students, even if it is out of their assigned House Group.

Without their support, advice, and coordination of the kitchen side of things, this event simply would not happen. For me, this is reflective that if everyone does their little bit for their House, or even helps others with their unique skills, we not only elevate the profile of the school but more importantly, facilitate a holistic experience for our emerging leaders through the opportunities we can offer to them through events such as the House Charity Events.

Thanks for your time, and if you came down, thank you for your support!

Go Jamo,

Zeke Morgan-Hind

Digital Technologies Teacher/Jamieson House Coordinator