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The Instrumental/Vocal/Ensemble Music Programme in 2024 had approximately 280 students studying a variety of instruments across both campuses. As part of the continuation of this vibrant programme, we plan to offer additional places in 2025. Most places on offer are from Term 1, 2025, although additional positions do become available during the year.

In 2025, the Performing Arts Department will continue to allow Year 3 students on a restricted basis to start Instrumental lessons. Year 3 students may apply to start Voice, Piano, Violin, Viola, Cello and Classical Guitar lessons only.

Please find below the conditions attached to joining the Instrumental/Vocal/Ensemble Music Programme in 2025 at Frederick Irwin Anglican School. At the end are the procedures that need to be followed for new and continuing students. Please read the information carefully and if you have queries contact the Music Administrative Assistant via at the School.

General Points

  • Instrumental Tutors are engaged for the year based on the number of students accepted into the programme. Lessons therefore must be undertaken for the whole of the year. That is students are enrolled in the Instrumental/Vocal/Ensemble Music Programme for a minimum of one (1) year.
  • At various stages, students will be assessed as to their continuing suitability and parents informed of their progress. A written progress report is distributed to parents and students at the conclusion of each semester.
  • Lessons are generally delivered on a ‘one-to-one’ basis but occasionally students may be grouped together for a small ensemble rehearsal at the request of the tutor. (The full lesson cost for these lessons will still stand).
  • Where possible, lessons will be held during class time on a rotational basis. This is to help minimise disruption to the student. Ultimately, it is the students’ responsibility to ensure they are able to attend a scheduled lesson.
  • Other instruments may be available upon request. This is subject to instrument and tutor availability and therefore may or may not be possible.


  • Lessons are billed at the rate of $40.00 per thirty-minute lesson. These lessons are held once per week during school hours.
  • The lesson costs are in addition to School Fees and billed every term. 
  • Instrumental tuition is a long-term proposition. Lesson costs will continue to be billed to the Term Account if a student chooses to withdraw from lessons before meeting the enrolment commitment of a minimum of one (1) year.
  • Parents may not change a forthcoming lesson on the day of that lesson. Students are responsible for checking lesson times displayed inside the classroom. Students and Parents can also access Music lesson times via  SEQTA. If there is a problem with an allocated time, the parent must contact the Halls Head Administration Office, Music Administrative Assistant, Director of Music or the Head of Arts in the Performing Arts Office, prior to the lesson day so that any possible changes can be investigated. Please note, this is not a guarantee that you will not be charged for this lesson or your child being moved to a time later in the week.
  • If your child is sick on the day of their lesson, charges will still apply. Where possible, your child will be moved to later in the week when they are back at school.
  • If you choose to take holidays during the school term, lesson charges will still apply.


  • Ensemble playing is an integral area of the Instrumental/Vocal/Ensemble course and as such all students are required to attend rehearsals if requested to be a participant. Ensemble attendance is an assessed item for students enrolled in the Instrumental/Vocal/Ensemble Music Programme. Students who are enrolled in Instrumental/Vocal/Ensemble Programme must ensure they are able to meet their Ensemble commitments as requested by the Head of Arts.

Instrument Loan

  • The Performing Arts Department has a limited number of instruments available for loan to beginning students. In 2025, if a loan instrument is available, there will be no cost attached to the loan of any instrument for the loan period of one (1) year.
  •  Instruments available for loan are:
    • Violin
    • Viola
    • Cello


  • Students are expected to purchase their own instrument at the end of the one (1) year loan period.
  • Provision of music books etc. are the responsibility of the parent. From time to time, Instrumental/Vocal tutors will ask for books to be purchased as required.
  • A Frederick Irwin Anglican School Music Diary is required for all students studying an instrument or voice. These are available from the School office and cost approximately $10.00.


  • There is a requirement that students will attend performance occasions as required by the Head of Arts. Performances often constitute assessment items for students enrolled in the Instrumental/Vocal/Ensemble Music Programme.

Process for New Applicants

  1. Please complete the form below and place a 1st and 2nd choice of instrument. A student who cannot be considered for their first choice will then be considered for their second.
  2. Please note on the form by choosing the box if you wish your child to be considered for both instruments (not available for Year 3 students). Only check this box if your child wishes to study two instruments.
  3. On receipt of your request, a confirmation email will be sent.
  4. Where possible, students will be interviewed at the end of 2024 to confirm their suitability to the instrument requirements. A charge of $40 for this will be added to your Account.
  5. Confirmation of acceptance into the Programme, where possible, will therefore be made at the end of 2024. Where this is not possible, confirmation will be made in the first two weeks of Term 1, 2025.
  6. Lessons begin Week 2 of 2025.
  7. Completing the form is acknowledgement that you accept the terms and conditions as outlined above.

Process for existing students
The parents of students enrolled in the Instrumental/Vocal/Ensemble Programme in 2024 are asked to fill out the below Instrumental/Vocal/Ensemble Lessons Application Form. This acknowledges that the child wishes to continue with lessons or would like to be removed from the Programme. Once a completed form has been received, a place will be retained in the Programme for students who wish to continue their studies in 2025. If we do not hear back from you by Friday 20 September 2024 there is a possibility your spot will be filled. 

By submitting the form below, you agree to these Terms and Conditions. 

Please indicate first preference
Please indicate second preference
Please tick this only if you want your child to be considered for BOTH instruments or you will be billed for the two instruments for the entire 2025 year.
This contact will be used for all correspondence from the School regarding enrolments.
By ticking the box, you agree to the above Terms and Conditions for the Instrumental Lesson Programme.